Family | Supervised Visits
Togher Contact Centre
Year Round | Sat & Sun
Family | Supervised Visits
Togher Contact Centre
Year Round
Sat & Sun
Togher Contact Centre provides an opportunity for children, their parents, and extended family members to meet in a safe, neutral environment. Child contact visits are supervised by our experienced and professional team in our specifically designed locations. We provide a strictly professional and friendly service to meet the needs of families and individuals that have risen due to Family Court outcomes. TCC also provide court reports, court letters and court appearances when required. Visit for full details of the service.

Togher Contact Centre Location
1A Glentrasna Drive
1A Glentrasna Drive, on the northside of Cork City, houses our Glentrasna Early Years service and a branch of Togher Contact Centre.
Tús an Bhothair
Our Tús an Bhothair Early Years service is located on the grounds of Togher boys primary school with its own entrance via the church car park.
Cur Le Chéile
Our Cur Le Chéile Eary Years Service is located on the grounds of Togher Girls Primary School.
Togher Contact Centre Staff

Aisling O Donoghue
Supervisor | Tiny Learners

Marguerite Madigan
Assistant Supervisor | Tiny Learners

Maria Doolan
Early Years Assistant | Tiny Learners